Frequently Asked Questions
- Q: How much does a buyers home inspection cost?
A: Buyers inspections typically cost approximately $250.00 or greater depending on square footage of the home. It is considered as a nominal fee compared to expensive repairs for those who choose go without a home inspection and find defects later.
- Q: What is inspected?
A: Homtech, Inc. uses a checklist type report covering over 170 items of the home covering all required items under The American Society of Home Inspectors standards of practice. The checklist type report insures each item is checked off as it is reviewed making sure that each component is inspected.
- Q: What is not inspected?
A: At Homtech, Inc. we have a small list of items that are generally not inspected and are not required by The American Society of Home Inspectors for inspection are as follows:
We do not evaluate swimming pools, hot tubs, irrigation systems, security systems, appliances, recreational facilities, intercom systems, network cables and phone lines, radio controlled devices, septic systems, or well water quality.
- Q: Do you take credit cards?
A: Yes, we use the Pay Pal system on line to insure the maximum in privacy and security for our clients.
- Q: How long does a home inspection take?
A: A typical home inspection takes 2 ½ to 3 ½ daylight hours depending on the size of the home. Typically the inspector will go through the property for the first half of the inspection and be joined by the client for the second half of the inspection for the walk through. At Homtech, Inc. feel we offer the most thorough home inspection in the industry.